How to lease the future workspace

In times of uncertainty, the competition for leasing property and acquiring tenants increases as tenants and their businesses find new ways of working. Tenants are rethinking everything from the ground up — from the business models they use to the strategies they deploy in running their businesses. Jonas Kjellberg, founder of NORNORM, shares three key insights into how landlords can start leasing their office spaces faster, more sustainable, and with no upfront investment.

Open lounge area in nordic light.
MRP office in Amsterdam window view

Circularity as a backbone

For very good reasons, sustainability and waste management goals are central to many company’s strategies. In order to meet these goals companies need to look at every level of their work, not only in what they produce, but also in where they work. Circular models of consumption help to decrease the environmental impact of office space by ensuring that waste is not just recycled, but refurbished, upgraded and redistributed if no longer needed. If sustainability has been in focus for your construction project or in your facility management, go all the way by including circular furniture.

Circularity Diagram

Move in ready minimizes decisions

For the longest time almost all office spaces have been leased without furniture. Nowadays, the vast majority of quickly scaling companies want to avoid the heavy startup investments that come with completely outfitting a space from scratch. Tenants need spaces that can meet their needs now and change in real time with their own needs.

To increase the appeal of your space and provide your tenants with a clear and functional workspace solution that is ready to go the minute they are. Landlords can also always have the choice of including the furniture in the lease model with a markup, or let the tenant take over the furniture subscription.


Flexible leases including more options for your tenants.

People find it much easier to commit to agreements when they include a large number of options, opportunities and flexibility. When tenants are no longer required to make heavy investment in their new office space, the concept of staying in one space with the opportunity and possibility to change within it immediately becomes much more attractive.

We see this across many major players in the industry. The office work model is undergoing major changes with thought leaders such as Spotify and Salesforce announcing hybrid and remote work models. As tenant companies grow, shrink, or introduce hybridized working options for their employees — their needs within the office changes. We find that subscription with flexibility allows these companies to make changes as their needs evolve, increasing the impact and functionality exponentially by each square meter.

NORNORM is a fully circular, subscription-based furnishing service that was just launched in 2020 and fully active on the European market. Contact us today and we will send you a 3D design proposal for your new office space within 24 hours.